Sheriff At Work
The Sheriff’s Office of the City and County of Philadelphia is committed to service, procedural justice, and the sanctity of human life.
Our duties encompass protecting the lives, property and rights of all people within a framework of service, uncompromising integrity, fiscal responsibility, professionalism, vigilance, and bias free conduct.
Conditions of Sale
Learn about the registration process, sale requirements and bidding guidelines for purchasing foreclosed properties auctioned by the Sheriff’s...
List of Properties
Find properties listed for auction by the Sheriff’s Office for mortgage foreclosure or tax sales, including locations, prices, auction dates...
Looking Up Tax Liens
Find electronic filing services, forms, payment options and other information. About the Philadelphia Sheriff's Office - The Philadelphia...
Jobs at Sheriff’s Office
Search and apply for DC government jobs. About the Philadelphia Sheriff's Office - The Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office wants to ensure that...
Upcoming Events
Steps required to obtain a District driver’s license, including tests and documentation. About the Philadelphia Sheriff's Office - The...
Food Drive Locations
Certain license categories can be verified using the business license verification system. About the Philadelphia Sheriff's Office - The...
Press events
View archived OCF communications and lobbyist activity for January 2002… About the Philadelphia Sheriff's Office - The Philadelphia...
Fee Calculator
We can assist you in requesting transcripts for DC Government videos. About the Philadelphia Sheriff's Office - The Philadelphia Sheriff’s...
Common Questions
Create a plan for you and your family using this application. About the Philadelphia Sheriff's Office - The Philadelphia Sheriff’s...
Beware, if any Pennsylvania homeowner receives a letter from an out-of-state company stating they will help you claim any surplus funds after you go through a foreclosure, this may be a “scam”.
These letters are typically from for-profit companies or individuals with no legal training. They will likely claim they can locate excess proceeds and distribute them to you for a fee. These companies tend to be predatory and aren’t affiliated with the court, trustee, or your lender. Any homeowner that may have surplus monies being held by the court relating to a Sheriff Sale in Pennsylvania may contact that particular Sheriff’s Office to claim these funds. You do not need to use an outside company to accomplish this.
Philadelphia Sheriff
100 South Broad Street
5th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19110
Calling The Sheriff
Main Phone: 215-686-3560
Real Estate Phone: 215-686-3565 *
Hours of Operation
Walk-in Hours:
Monday thru Friday,
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM